



323 Unique Happy Birthday Wishes For Friends

Table of Contents

As your best friend, I want to wish you a very happy birthday! I hope this birthday is as wonderful as you are. Here are 323 unique birthday wishes to make your day even more special. May your birthday be just the beginning of a fantastic year!

Happy Birthday Wishes For Friends

The Years Go By

As The Years Go By, I Will Always Celebrate This Date With You, Been Been Been Friends for Many Years. Happy Birthday!

I have many friends

I have many friends, but between you and me, you are the Most Special … Happy Birthday!

Friends Who Are Really Special

You are One of Those Friends Who Are Really Special, The One Who Makes Me Laugh With Few Words, and Is Always Present In My Life, So How Can You Not Celebrate This Year That Life Gives You? Congratulations! I Wish You All The Happiness, and that we continue cultivate Our FriendShip for Many More Years. Happy Birthday!

We Will Have Big Party

Although I have many friends, there are None Like You and the Fact that we are not together today is not excuse to have Big Party when we meet again. I want you to know that I Miss you very much and I Hope We Will See Each Other Soon. Have Wonderful Day Full of Good Wishes and The Company of Those You Love The Most. Happy Birthday! To make many wishes, Friend!


I Am Lucky to have many friends, but none are like you. Happy Birthday! Always Keep This Unique Personality!

We are Still Best Friends

Another Year Passes and We Are Still Best Friends! Happy Birthday!

I Know We Will Be Great Friends

I have’t know you for long, but i will have Feeling We’ll Be Great Friends, Happy Birthday!

With Friends as Beautiful as You

With Friends as Beautiful as You One Walks Down The Street With A Giant Pride. Happy Birthday!

There are friends for life

There are Friends that when you Meet Them they are for life. You are one of them! Have Lovely Day! Happy Birthday!

Surrouted by People Who Love You

Today I Thank Godales He made our paths cross and that a Beautiful Friendship was blen Between You. You Can’t Imagine How Happy I Am To Have You In My Life, To Be Uble to Meet You and To Know That I Can Trust You and That You Can Trust Me. Today you will spend the day surroused by People Who Love You and Who Are Looking forward to Giving You A Big Hug, and I Am One of Them. Happy Birthday!

Friends take care of themselves

The friends take care of themselves, respect, value, love and joy are given, and that is what we and I have done throughout our lives. Today he spends another year for you, and nothing we were, nothing that has to do with our friendship has changed, because it remains strong and solid, and that is the greatest joys. That spends another year for you, means a lot. It means that you continue being a wonderful person, but with more experiences. Thus, we will celebrate for everything you have lived this year, but also, for everything that you have to live, and what you will learn in this one. Do not imagine the great joy that I feel to be by your side, I will provide to make it forever! Happy Birthday dear!

You have a special energy

You have a special energy, which makes me think that I can trust you, and that we are going to start a great friendship. Happy Birthday!

I miss you more everyday

They say that the distance separates friends, but we keep us as united as ever. I miss you every day that happens! And today even more because I want to be there with you to sing birthdays. I hope that one of the wishes you ask today to be together next. Happy Birthday! I wish all the best for you!

Congratulations to my mother -in -law and friend

I consider myself a very lucky person to find so many special people in my life and, without a doubt, you are one of them, mother -in -law. Since I met her that I feel a huge love for you. The way he welcomed me at home was something very important to me. Today, you are my second family and in this, your special day, I just want to wish the most beautiful things in the world. May his birthday bring smiles and joys throughout the year. I want, every day, find reasons to be happy! He deserves a birthday full of love and surrounded by all the people who love her. I adore her, mother -in -law. Congratulations!

Your friendship is very valuable to me

Happy Birthday friend! We are all for you today, willing to celebrate and thank the Lord for placing you in our lives. Your friendship is very valuable to me, and the time that passes by your side as well. I want us to keep that, God bless you!

Friend of the soul, the bravest woman

Friend of the soul, the bravest and most fighter woman I know, I hope that today as the minutes go by, you feel all the love of the world by all the people we roll. I hope it is a birthday that marks your heart, a birthday that gives you the most beautiful memories you can imagine. And it is that by your side I have many of those, wonderful memories that are already part of what I am, unforgettable moments stored with love inside me. I know that everything good that can say about you will be little, because you are a spectacular woman. Love you. Congratulations!

My friend, that God of your strength one more year

My friend, that God of her strength for another year, and that you continue to find in him the inspiration you need. That you continue living with faith and hope, taking care of the family, of friendships and those around you. I want a very nice and very magical year, because I know very well that you deserve it. Let’s celebrate the new opportunities and provide for how beautiful life is. Happy Birthday!

I ask God to bless you for your day

Happy Birthday friend! I ask God to bless you for your day, to give you health for this new year, and continue to accompany you. I wish you a path of joys and learning, and I hope we have time to continue taking care of our beautiful friendship. A hug!

My friend, today I want God to bless you

My friend, today I want God to bless you, and I also want you to look at life with love. That you look at everything you already did with joy, with love, and with pride, because you managed to walk accompanied by a lot of love. A love that you cultivated and that you took care of. Keep maintaining your faith, still enjoying all the moments, continues to learn. I appreciate your friendship for another year, and I want life to allow us to continue walking so united. Happy Birthday!

Friend, I know that knowing you and being able to spend time

Friend, I know that knowing you and being able to spend time with you is a privilege. I know my luck is infinite for having you in my life. I know you are a strong and brave woman, and I know that today on this nice birthday, you will celebrate in style. Thank you for every step you have taken by my side, thanks for always giving me your hand, for supporting and valueing me. I thank God for bringing you to my life. Happy Birthday!

Your friendship made me grow

Happy Birthday friend! I do not know what happens that we always end up letting some tears release on this day, because we always end up remembering fun, cute and exciting moments that we live. Your friendship made me grow, and your joy gave me light at a time when everything was difficult for me. Thank you for so much, for being there for me, for being the prettiest person in this universe, and for teaching me so much of the vine. Love you!

I felt that we could have a beautiful friendship

Happy Birthday friend! For me it is always a pleasure and a joy that comes this day. I love to know that I can be part of your celebration and know that I am lucky to be part of your life. You are someone very special to me, since I met you I felt that we could have a beautiful friendship, and knowing that that happened makes me feel a lot of happiness. I thank you and you, because the good moments I spent by your side are infinite. Love you!

My friend, I have many reasons to get excited

My friend, I have many reasons to get excited today, and that is that, that you turn one more year and be able to be by your side to see it is something that is priceless. We have grown together, we have learned next to each other, we have fallen and we have helped ourselves. Every important moment of my life I lived with you, and I want that to continue so until we are old and remember everything we live. I wish you and I will always wish you the best. Happy Birthday!

I hope we remain as united as ever

Happy Birthday friend! It is your beloved day, and I am here writing these words that come out of my heart, because I adore you, and because I am very proud of having your friendship. Thank you for teaching me so much over the years, with you I have learned things that I know will accompany me forever. I know that being together nothing can defeat us, because we have already overcome a lot. I hope we continue as united as ever, and have a great year.

How nice day comes today, friend

How nice day comes today, friend! And it’s good to be so close to you, to give you a big hug and to be able to dedicate these words while looking into your eyes. Having you is one of my great luck, your confidence helps me to continue, and knowing that I can count with you gives me peace of mind. I am here for you, and I will always be, no matter if it is to have a good time, or if they are moments when you need me because you are having a bad time. I will not move from your side and together we will overcome any challenge. Love you. Happy Birthday!

This Day Touches My Heart, Friend

Happy Birthday, Soul Friend! This Day Touches My Heart For Several Reasons, But The Most Important of All Is Base Is Is Your Day, The Day of My Favorite Person. It is a day in which and see you happy, in which you surround Yourself with All The People Who Love You and In Which You Are The Progress. It is a day for you to listen there the time how wonderful you are, for you to listen to how many of us who are by your side admire you, and for you to know that thuy tose war Sincerity in This World. You’re The Best!

My Friend, today I have decided to write to you

My Friend, Today I have decided to Write You Sub Words As a Birthday present. I WANED TO Tell You How Much I Love You, How Much I admire you and How Much I Wish I Could Continue Enjoying Life with You. The Moments By Your Side Are Always The Best and I Feel That Having Your Friendship has Given I am very much that you cannot Even Imagine It. May Our Complicity, Our Trust, Our Affection and Our Joy Last for Many Years, and May You continue to be as Wonderful as Ever. Congratulations!

Our Friendship Made Me Grow

Happy Birthday Friend! HAVING GROWN UP WITH YOU AND HAVING SHARED SO MANY WITH YOU HAS GIVEN ME GREAT MOMENTS, A LOT OF HAPPINESS, AND A FULL LIFE. You May Think i’m Exaggeling, But It’s Not Like That, Our Friendship Made Me Grow and Made Me Who I Am Today. Thank you for every, i wish you and i Will always wish you the best, and I will be by your side to have good time time but also When Difficul Times eats. I love you see a lot!

I have a lot of love for this day, Friend

Happy Birthday My Friend! I am Vary Fond of This Day, Because it is the day you came into the world, and for me, that you are here is submissive. Since I met you, You have been by My Side in Moments That I Keep Forever in My Memories. I Will Never Forget That You Did Not Let Go of My Hand, and I Will Always Keep In Mind That Your Friendship is More Valuable than Any Fortune. Today I want to wish you a Beautiful, Special and Unique Day. A Day to Smile and for You to Reive All The Love That Those Around you have to give you, Because we love you and scholause we admire you.


Dear Friend, I am Happy Because we have the Perfect Friendship, and Because I am by your Side for Another Year. I Want to Thank You for EveryThing that we have already experienced Together, for Everything that I have Already Learned from You, for Everything that we have overcome, and for the beautify complicity that we have had had the moment. I Love Spending Time with You, and I Hope This Year Gives US MANY MOMENTS TO SHARE. I Wish You a Beautiful Path, with everyhtha makes you happy and that Makes Your Heart Happy. Happy Birthday!

This day is excitation for severe reasons,

This day is excitation for severe reasons, The First is that it is your Birthday and I Am Lucky Enough To Be Uble to Celebrate It By Your Side, But there are are Many More. Having Your Friendship Gives Me Strength, Gives Me Life and Makes Me Trust, Having Lived with You So Many Experiences Made Me Grow, and Part of What I Am Now is Thanks To That. You are very important to me and i want you to know that i will always be there for you, not Matter What. Congratulations My Friend!

A Good Friend deserts The Best Words On Her Day

A Good Friend deserts The Best Words on Her Day. A Good Friend Like You are deserts to have the best Birthday positive. Thank you for teaching I am very much, for inspiing me with your kindness, with your hge heart, with each of your actions, with your courage and with your stregth to overcome any challenge that arises in your life. You are light, you are Energy, and Being By Your Side is always The Greatest Joy. I Know I’M Lucky, and That’s Why I Want To Take Care of Our Friendship Forever. Congratulations!

That you feel proud of you, friend

Congratulations, my friend! That on this birthday you have time to think about you. What values each of the brave steps that you have been giving until you get where you are today. That you feel proud of you and the path you have traveled thanks to your strength. You have a lot to celebrate, many reasons for today to be a great day and not to stop smiling for a minute. I love you very much!

I have learned from your courage, friend

Happy Birthday friend! That today nothing makes you lose that pretty smile that you always carry with you, because today is the day of showing it with much more pride than ever. I have learned from your courage from the moment I met you, and I don’t imagine how much I have grown since then thanks to you. You are fundamental in my life, you are that person who makes me believe and trust in goodness and generosity. Thanks for so many things, dear friend. Love you.

There are so many things that I would like to tell you

My sky, there are so many things that I would like to tell you to guide you on this path that you just start, but I know that little by little you will grow and make your own decisions with all the responsibility of the world, because you are a very intelligent, educated and adorable girl. I hope you always count on me for everything, since nothing would make me happier than knowing that my beloved granddaughter is present in her life, not only as a relative, but as a friend, accomplice and counselor. I love you very much, my love, every morning when I pray to God to keep you healthy, strong and happy all your life, also to take you for the right way and of course, let you turn you a thousand more years. Happy birthday, heaven!

In your 15 and you will shine

Happy Birthday Friend! In Your 15 Years You Will Shine Like Never Before, You Will Live Many New Experiences, and The Best of All is that I will be there with you for the Good and for the Bad, Enjoying Everything That Comes Our Way. I Know That We Will Begin To Keep Many Memories That Will Be Part of The Stories That We Will Tell Our Grandchildren. I Hope That Everything You do Today Makes You Feel Good and That We Can Celebrate Many More Parties.

You can do everything that causes you

Friend, today is your birthday! But not any birthday but your 15 years! That age that everyone expects with madness and frenzy to have fun more than ever. This is your day, you can do everything that causes you since you spend it wonderful so that you never forget everything beautiful. I hope you can get the most out of your 15 because after all, you only have that age once in life. I love you a lot and I wish you a great happy birthday, friend!

You enter the 15 years

Happy birthday my friend! You enter the 15 that will come with changes that will make you grow a lot. You are one of the best people I know and I hope this year brings you as many joys as days. Nothing is more than growing with you, knowing that our friendship helps us overcome anything and that I can always trust you. Hopefully today you have a great time, all of us who love you are looking forward to giving you a big hug.

For your birthday

Congratulations my friend! That for your 15th birthday you are still as great as you were in all the previous ones since I know you. That we continue together at this stage that they call adolescence, making us feel less alone and understanding us as nobody does. I love you very much and I want you to enjoy today, because it’s your day and anyone else’s. You know that I will accompany you in each dance, and that I will also ask for the best wishes for you. Let’s have a great time!

How good it is to remember

It is good to remember that from the moment I arrived I met you, and you became a good friend. A long time ago I realized how valuable you are, neighbor. I can’t wish you anything other than happiness! And many more years! Happy Birthday!

These are years and years of this beautiful friendship

It’s years and years of this beautiful friendship, Are so many, that with the fingers of the hand I can’t tell them. Always by your side, friend Learning from mistakes, fighting and smiling knowing that We would never separate Whatever happened. And here we are, One more year arrives for you And it’s time to celebrate, to make a great celebration For a great person. Happy Birthday friend!

You are one of the best

Of special people I like to surround myself, And you, dear friend, You are one of the best. Never stop being, even when they criticize you and tell you that you are different, Well that is a great quality. I have already told you several times, But you are beautiful as you are. I wish you have a happy birthday!

Provide for your courage and for your friendship

Happy Birthday friend! Today is a day of celebration as it has always been since I met you, an exciting day to be cheerful and share. I want to give your courage and for your friendship, two of the most important things for me in this life.

Friend, I don’t know what would be from me

Friend, I don’t know what would be of me and my days if I hadn’t crossed with you, if I hadn’t been lucky enough to meet you. On this birthday, I want to thank you for the laughs, but also for the cries, which made us grow, be more united and be stronger people. I know that today we are inseparable and that is priceless, that is the most beautiful thing that could have happened in this life. I love you a lot. Congratulations!

Growing with you made me know you well, friend

Happy Birthday friend! Growing up with you made me know you well, and I know you have a beautiful heart, I know you are a beautiful woman, inside and out, and if there is something I admire and value you it is your unconditional support. I want this year to be magical, that you find beauty in every thing you do, that you feel happy to be as you are, and that you walk proudly for everything you already achieved. Love you!

Friend and companion of so many adventures

Friend and companion of so many adventures, today I want to wish you a magical day, of joys, to celebrate, and not stop dancing. May your birthday be a moment of love, that you receive messages from all who appreciate having you in their life, and that you feel very, very dear. For me you are an example woman, someone I want to always close, because with you everything is different. I love you and value you, for me our friendship is the most beautiful thing I have in life, and what I want to keep the most. Congratulations!

Friend, today is a day to get excited

Happy Birthday friend! Today is a day to get excited, and it would not be the first time I cry to see you celebrate. You are light, you are peace, you are also joy and a lot of fun. You are an intelligent woman, that everything she has got him for herself, someone to whom the time passes, I keep admiring. Keep fighting as until now, keep walking strongly, with determination and with that good energy that always accompanies you. Love you!

For your 15 years

Happy Birthday friend! That all the wishes you ask for your 15 years come true, and that today you spend the best day. You are a very special person for me, you are always my friend and I thank you for taking care of me so much. Although time goes by I know that our friendship will always be the same, and that we will continue to grow together, learning everything that life has to show us. Stop very well today, and don’t forget that you are the best!

It is impossible for me not to give you a big hug

Today it is impossible for me not to give you a big hug, friend, because you are the one who has been present at every moment of my life. Happy Birthday!

For another year for you

For another year for you, in which I want us to find ourselves more, that we share many stories, and that we continue to support ourselves as until now. Happy Birthday friend! I really wanted to get your day, to give you a big hug, and to be by your side. Celebrating that a new age for you has arrived!

There are many years

There are many years that we have celebrated this date, friend, and it is because our friendship will always be present! Happy Birthday!

My friend, today I can say with pride

My friend, today I can proudly say that there are many years we have of friendship, much lived and much learned. All that is saved forever in my memory, and remember from time to time makes me smile. I hope that today and every day of this new year you are going to start, you feel pride for you, for the woman you are, brave and fighter, because with every step you take, you inspire, friend. Happy Birthday!

Our friendship is the most beautiful

My friend! I already imagine that you will have woken up with your beautiful smile lighting everything around you. Knowing that today I will be lucky enough to see her, fill my heart. As you know, for me you are a very special person, and our friendship is the most beautiful of this life. I have seen you pass and overcome great challenges, this year you have grown a lot, you have fought and you have demonstrated your courage. You are a sensitive and strong woman, do not lose those characteristics that make you so unique, and that I admire so much in you. Happy Birthday!

Relevant All The Love In The World

Happy Birthday Friend! This Year I Have Been Lucky Enough To Spend A Lot Of Time With You, To Be By Your Side Through Thick and Thin, To get to know you Better and To do that I was not wrong, you are the best friend and could Have! Today I am Vary Happy for You, Because You Reach A New Age and Because You do It Happily, Wanting to celebrate Nice Party, to be Accompanied by your loved ones, and to presign all the love in the world. I love you!

You have Baby Growing Inside of You

Friend, This Year Your Birthday Arrives in A Vry Special Way, Because You Have Baby Growing Inside You, It Will Be Different From The Others. It will be a see Special Day, which you will surley remembero forever. I Want to Send You A Big Hug, A Lot of Affection and Love For This Beautiful Moment, and Lot of Strength for What Remains, I know you will be looking forward for the moment! Happy Birthday!

today we will have fun

Today we will have so much fun that it will be impossible for you to forget it. Happy Birthday! You Will Always Be My Best Friend, I love you are a lot!

Illusions are Vray Big

Happy 15, Friend! WHEN YOU REACH THIS AGE, THE ILLUSIONS OF A PERFECT NIGHT ARE VERY HIGH, DON’T WOURS So Much and have Good Time! Remember that the memories of Tonight Will Last Forever, and All of Us Here Want To See You Happy. You are reposition and with an aparalleled light, I have toled you a thousand Times, you are a spectacular woman! I wish that today you are the center of attention and that ur friendship sores so many yars that we can remembero this day day with the best anecdote. Happy Birthday and May There Be Many More!

I have to Than You

When we have a Friend with Whom we can be ourselves, we have to be grateful! Happy Birthday Friend!

The Best Birthday

I Want My Best Friend to have the Best Birthday Ever, and I Will Do My Best To Make It So. Congratulations!

Today we Will Toast To Our Childhood

Today we Will Toast To Our Childhood, Which Was Wonderful. Happy Birthday Friend!

Your Quinceañera Party is Here!

Friend, The Long-Awaited Moment Has Arrided, It Is Not Just Any Birthday, It Is … Your Quinceañera Party! We Are Going to Celebrate With All The Joy, Because it is not for Less, It is your day! How Lucky to have you as a Friend, and How Proud I Feel for You. Congratulations!

I Learn from All Your Virtues

I Learn from All Your Virtues, and Whenever I’m with You I Have Fun. Happy Birthday Friend!

Every second ha a Great Value Today

Happy Birthday Friend! Every second has to Great Value Today, have Good Time All of Them!

EveryThing that HAPPENS Today Will Be Magical

EveryThing that Happens today Will Be Magical, Fun and Unforgetable. Happy Birthday Friend!

I Heard That Today Is That Day

I have Learned that today is that day where there is only joy. Happy Birthday Friend!

I love everyhing that is Going to Happen Today

I Love Eventhing that is Going to Happen Today Because with You there is always to Party and Fun. Happy Birthday Friend!

With enghusiasm i will join you today

Happy Birthday Friend! I’M looking forward to joining you Today and We’ll Celebrate Until We Can’t Anymore!

Convey all the love i feel for you

Today I have look at the calendar to verify that it really was The Day That I Thought It was. And indeed, Your Birthday has arrived! I Hope, with these words, to convey to you all the love I feel for you, All The Admiration, and all the satisfaction that fills me knowing that we have a Beautiful Friendship. Congratulations, Soul Friend!

Filling My Life with Joy

Happy Birthday Friend! Time Passes and You Continue To Fill My Life with Joy, As in Childhood, When We Were Little Ones. Today and Will Be with You, I Will See You Smile, Have Good Time, and Blow out the candles Like Every Year since I met you. Make a wish , ask for a sinkred or ask for a thousand, if it were up to me , They Would All Come True and you also know that I Will Always Take Care of You.

One Day You Toled Me I Had Talent

One day you toled me that i had a talent For Writing Beautiful Poetry. And only now i realized that the best gift wouled be This, Because you are not only my friend, You are my inspiration! And since I Think about This, The Rhymes Keep Coming Up. You know that i love you see a lot and that This Great Friendship Will Last for Years and Years. Happy Birthday Dear! Never Stop Inspiring!

We Spent This Day Together

Happy Birthday Best Friend! Since I’ve Known You We Spent This Day Together, and Today Was Not Going To Be Less.

Nobody Like You To Liven Up A Party

Nobody Like You To Liven Up A Party, and Even More Sou it’s Yours! Happy Birthday Friend!

Buy The Dress and Enjoy!

Today is your day and i want you to have Good Time, I know that many people are Going to criticize the fact that i am writing to you, but we are ale always going to be good friends. I HOPE YOU BUY THAT DRESS YOU ALWAYS WANTED, DANCE ALL NIGHT AS ONLY YOU KNOW WHW TO DO IT, AND CELEBRATE THIS NEW YEAR THAT WHILL BE FULL OF BLESSINGS FOR YOU. For my part, I appreciate that you have Been Part of My Life Because I Learned Many Things From You. Happy Birthday Friend!

This year you will stay just as pretty

Happy Birthday Friend! Surely This Year You Will Remain As Beautiful and Young as Ever.

Don’t Miss The Dance Today

Happy Birthday Friend! May today not miss the dance, The party, The Fun, The Good Company, and of Course, The Joy. It is a day to enjoy, To Think of Nothing More Than Making Wishes by blowing out the candles, Eating Cake, and Singing. And i’ll be by your side For All of That! I love you!

There is no more beautiful than you

Happy Birthday Friend! There is no one more Beautiful Than You, More Intelligent and Braver. I am proud of Our Friendship and of Having Met You, Since Since The I have read Immensely About What It Means to have a True Friend. I have prepared surprises for you Today, and Also, All Your Friends Are Looking Forward to Being With You To Celebrate, So Soon As You Know Your Plans, Let Us Know, So We Can See EACH OHER AND ENJOY THIS BEUUTIN and toast to many more years.

You Dazzled Me With Your Arrival

You Dazzled Me with Your Arrival. Fifteen Years Look Great On You, Friend! May Life Always Be Good To You, and May This New Stage As a Young Lady Be Full of the Best Experiences. I Ask That There Be Many Blessings That You Reveive and That You Always Be That Ray of Light That Bright Our Day. Happy Birthday!

We All Have Subsone Special

We All Have Subsone Special, and for Me, That Sub Subsone Is You Friend. Happy Birthday!

You will be the protagonist, with your Beautiful dress and your Beautiful Smile

Happy Birthday Friend! Today you enter the age of 15, and it will be a Magical Moment. I am Vary Happy for You, Because it is your day and you will be the protagonist, with your beautiful dress and your Beautiful Smile. All Your Friends and Friends Will Be There to see you and spend this Important Day with You. I Wish that This Beginning Brings You A Lot of Happiness, A Lot of Success and Lot of Love. Also, I Wted to Tell You That I Love The Way You Are, and I Hope You Never Change. Love you!

You’re the best friend in the world

You are the best friend in the world and I am very lucky to have you by my side. Happy Birthday Sweetheart! May your life be long and your dreams come true.

One day with a lot of energy for my ex

Hello friend I hope today you have woken up happy and with the energies to the fullest, because not every day is turned more and less a woman like you. I want you to know that despite the differences we had in our relationship, I still consider that you are a good friend I can turn to whenever I need it. I wish that this day and all the following are as you imagined because you deserve it. Happy Birthday!

Happy birthday wishes you who loves you

Some time ago we ended our relationship and at the same time I have long won a great friend. The love I feel for you will always exist in my heart, and that’s why I want you to have a wonderful birthday. You always went and continue to be a very important person for me. I hope you can take advantage of every second of this day and that this new year brings you good surprises. Our paths may have separated, but love never dies, it only changes. Our love became friendship and I appreciate having you as a friend. May your birthday be full of joys and that your smile never goes out! Congratulations, my ex and dear friend!

Prepare with you your party

My friend, I am very excited Let your day arrive. Prepare with you your party give you many hugs, Feel your happiness, Your emotion And your good humor. Everything is positive today! And I am looking forward to of being already with you, Well, you are the best. Happy Birthday!

Your beauty is natural

Happy Birthday friend! Your beauty is natural and the preserves no matter how years the years go by, because you are always ideal.

I will not be by your side to celebrate

Happy Birthday friend! The memory of how well we spent last year, will help me overcome that today I will not be by your side to celebrate.

You are one of those people

You are one of those people who always stay in the heart, happy birthday, friend!

I know you will have a lot of love and love

Friends like you They are for life, So every day I thank Because you exist And because there is no one more special than you. Your birthday It will be wonderful And I know you will have lots of love And love, Store everything Well, it’s yours And you deserve it. Congratulations my friend!

God bless you today that it’s a very nice day

Happy Birthday friend! May God bless you today that it is a very nice day, that you dedicate yourself every minute to you, to take care of yourself and to be very happy, and that in this year you have infinite opportunities, moments of love, much health and great joys.

That all your illusions can come true

Happy Birthday my friend! May God bless you another year, that all your illusions can come true, that life smiles at you, that all your people show you their love today and every day, and that you always find what you want. I send you a affectionate hug, and a lot of love.

Having you close today is important

Happy Birthday friend! Having you close today is important, because it is nice to know that I can give you a hug in person, although I also dedicate a few words here. You are light and you know that, you know that you shine and that nothing can stop you, because you have learned from yourself and you have become the woman you wanted. God bless you!

How good it is to have you another year, friend

How good it is to have you another year, friend, how nice it is to know that we will continue living adventures, grow together, dreaming, planning, and sharing time. It makes me happy to have you, your presence always makes me good, and knowing that I have your complicity is one of the most wonderful things in this life. I send you my best wishes, health, love, joy, and luck for each of your new projects. May today pass it great, and may God bless you for another year. Happy Birthday!

Part of my life and that of my family

To make today a spectacular day, it is necessary that it be a day? Happy birthday, dear neighbor! My best wishes for a person as charming as you. I feel very happy that you are part of my life and that of my family. I send you a big hug full of the best wishes, and I hope to remind you that I will always be present at all times when you need me. From the beginning I knew you would be a good friend, and for some time I realize that you are really.

Sometimes I think

Sometimes I think I don’t dedicate you enough time, and despite that, You are always for me! And that shows me that you are a good friend, True, funny and unique. This and every day, I will celebrate your life Because if you exist My days are better. Happy Birthday!

That every morning you wake up with joy

Happy birthday to my most beautiful friend, the most special! All of good for you, dear, that the days smile and that every morning you woke up with joy. I’m glad we keep our friendship for so many years and I will do anything for us to keep it forever.

You are very special

You are very special, and we are around you around you. Happy Birthday friend!

Friends forever

It is impossible for forgetting a day like today, your birthday is something that I will always keep in mind. For many hours I thought if it would be appropriate to write this message, but I have come to the conclusion that yes. You are an important person in my life and you are always going to be my friend. There were many good moments that we shared together and things that I learned from you, so I want you to be happy and have the best of days. Happy Birthday friend!

I will always have this day saved in my heart

I will always have this day saved in my heart, and even if you are no longer my in -law, I can’t forget your birthday. I have a lot of love, and for me you will always be a good friend! I hope life always makes you smile, and stay as radiant as until now. Congratulations, and that they are many more with infinite health! I love you very much!

Happiness always has to be present

My friend, 15 years is an age that only lasts 365 days and that you must take advantage of until the last minute of each of them. This is the first day of all those who remain and I will make sure that it is something super special that remains inside your heart, for that, I will begin by telling you that you are an incredible and special girl who deserves a perfect future surrounded by such beautiful people and sweets like you. I can’t help wishing you the best of birthdays, and you have a spectacular day. Happy birthday, beautiful friend! Remember that time runs and happiness always has to be present.

Someone as amazing as you

How beautiful it was to meet someone as amazing as you, happy birthday, friend!

I have the day prepared

You are so special to me, friend, that I have the day prepared with many activities that I know you will love it. Happy Birthday!

There is nothing more

There is nothing to celebrate your birthday, friend. Congratulations! It continues to be a beautiful person, dear!

We met at a special moment

Happy Birthday friend! We met at a special moment, and that is why our friendship is that great.

This day you live with joy

One of the many things you taught me is that this day you live with joy. Happy Birthday friend!

One of the best parts of my life

Having your friendship is one of the best parts of my life, happy birthday, friend!

An innovative stage full of successes

Dear friend, you are a unique and fantastic being who today culminates a wonderful stage to start another that will be even more spectacular and innovative full of successes. As my job is to tell you that you can achieve everything you propose, as long as you are still, that person who never lets himself be overcome and always undertakes the way to achieve his dreams regardless of the obstacles that appear. Today you turn 15 and the pride you make me feel is unmatched, because having a friend like you is a pleasure for me, I love you a lot and from the depths of my heart I wish you a world full of much happiness. Happy Birthday friend!

I trusted you

Happy birthday, dear friend! Since I met you that I trust you, you are a first!

Never stop being so spontaneous and adventurous

Friend, I never stop being so spontaneous and adventurous. Those are the characteristics that most define! Happy Birthday!

Today do not get rid of me

Happy birthday, my beautiful friend! Today do not get rid of me and my ears pull!

You will shine as only you know how to do it

Dear friend, you are 15 years old, and I am very excited about you, because as we all know, it is one of the most important dates of our lives. In addition, we have always been together, and be able to accompany you and help you in everything you need in a day like today, it is a pleasure. I know that your family has prepared everything very well and with great affection, and the celebration will be unforgettable. Everything is ready to start … I’m so looking forward to! Desire of heart that the beginning of this new stage is perfect, and I am sure that you will shine as only you know how to do it, because you are beautiful and intelligent. If you are nervous, do not hesitate to tell me, then I will always be to give you a hug and tell you reassuring words. I love you very much, happy 15 birthday!

I want to congratulate you and thank you

When I woke up today, I reminded myself that it is your birthday and I immediately thought about all the good times we spent together. Today I want to congratulate you and thank you because thanks to you I am who I am. I wish that all those dreams that you told me are fulfilled in what the sails soft, and that you remember that I will always be to celebrate your successes or simply if you need a friend. Happy Birthday friend!

I remember my childhood

Congratulations my friend! I remember my childhood as a wonderful stage, and in part, it was thanks to you. I want to thank you for so many years, for so many moments by my side when I needed you most, and I want to wish you an ideal birthday.

My beautiful godmother

Mine, every year You are more beautiful, Today you add one more! But you are just as Bella. Thanks for being the best, and for always being present in our lives. You are and always be my favorite friend, the one with which I count at important times. I love you very much! Happy Birthday!

With you I grew up and I learned from you

With you I grew up and I learn, you take care of me and I take care of you, and I can’t ask for life more. Happy Birthday friend!

My Childhood Without You

I Can’t Imagine My Childhood Without You … Happy Birthday, Friend!

On your happy day, Surely you have thousand plans

On your happy day, Sureely you have thousand plans, Take Advantage of Each One of Them Intely, and do not say no to the new oons Because They May Bring You The Best Memories. Happy Birthday Friend!


Happy Birthday My Friend! It must be see exciting to reach the age of 15, Surely you are preparing for a Beautiful Day that you will remender forever. I will go to your celebration to be with you, to see How Beautiful You Are, To Dance, To Laugh and Accompany You In This Special Moment. I am Vary Lucky to have you as a friend, to be uble to be close to you and read so much from you. I Hope This Year Brings You The Changes You Need, and Gives You Vary Happy Moments.

Childhood Broucht Us Together

Childhood Broucht Us Together, and Fate Never Separated Us. Happy Birthday Friend !!

Great Adventures

This Year I know you have great adventures in store for you. Happy Birthday Best Friend!

May God Bless You and Guide You

Happy Birthday Friend! May God Bless You, Guide You And Take Care of You Another Year. Don’t Forget That Here You Have My Friendship for Another 365 Days, and All The Others to Come. I Feel Like a Lucky Person To Meet You, To Know That I Can Trust You and Becouse Whenever I’m With You I Learn Subject New. I love you!

Your Friendship is submissive that I Value Greatly.

Happy Birthday My Friend! This Life is full of experiences that make it beautiful, and i am lucky that with you I have lIVED subm of the Most Wonderful, Because Your Friendship is submissive I thank God for that, and i ask to bless you for another year. May you continue with your strength and your joy, May you only stop when you want, and may only you be the Owner of Your Dreams. To Hug!

The day has come that with such emotion you expected

Friend, the day has come that with such emotion you expected, your 15th birthday! With this day of celebration you will begin different changes, new experiences are yet to arrive, new plans, and many learning. I hope you spend very well today, because it is your day, and we will all go to the party to be with you and celebrate for you. I wish you a lot of love, affection and happiness in this new stage, and you know that you can count on me whenever you need it. Congratulations!

Knowing you changed my life

Dear Madrastra, knowing you changed my life, because you gave me joy and with you I learned every day. Today is your birthday, a day when I meet with you to give you a gift, to talk and catch up, because for me you are already like a friend. Congratulations!

God bless you and have a very nice day

Happy Birthday friend! May God bless you and have a very nice day near all your loved ones. I admire you since I know you and with your actions you have taught me a lot. I hope you are very happy because you deserve it, and that in every path you are always finding the most beautiful.

It is a blessing from the Lord to receive this day, friend

Happy birthday my friend! It is a blessing from the Lord to receive this day, and I want you to know that I receive it with immense joy, gratitude and love, for the luck I have to have your friendship, and for all that I have had the opportunity to live by your side. Today I celebrate the beauty of the life that united us, and for you, that you give me and teach me so much. Have a wonderful year, that dreams are getting closer and closer and that you are very happy.

Today you have to be fabulous

Congratulations friend! I feel something is missing, and it is because for the first time I am not on your birthday. I hope this does not make you feel sad. Today you have to be fabulous! May your life be as you have always dreamed and that all your wishes are fulfilled in what the candles were. I love you very much! Next year we will celebrate for two!

Many changes come with the 15 years

Happy Birthday friend! I know that many changes come with the age of 15, and I know you are prepared for all of them. You have so much energy and so much desire to live life that whenever I am with you, you get me and you always be a smile. I hope that today you do not stop a minute of having a good time and feeling all the love and all the love that we love you, we want to convey. Enjoy your pretty party!

Your heart is special

Your heart is special to that of others, and that makes you the most kind in the world. Happy Birthday friend!

Dreams are giant

The best time of your life will start today. Happy fifteen! I consider you a true friend of those that there are very few, and I would like to preserve your friendship so that we can celebrate all the following birthdays. I love you very much! Always remember that the fifteen are a wonderful age where dreams are giant, and the desire to succeed have to always be present.

With a beautiful dress you will celebrate

With a beautiful dress you will celebrate your fifteen years, get ready, friend! Tonight you will be dazzling, everyone will be shocked with your beauty and want to dance with you. I ask God for our friendship to be strong enough for us to celebrate the birthday birthdays, I love you very much, friend!

You turn 15 and shines

You turn 15 and shine with a more intense light than ever. You are radiant, beautiful, and you are the most loyal person I know. Your friendship for me is millions, you are my favorite person, the one who always understands me and always pampers me. Thank you for everything, friend, I don’t have many more words to thank you better, just tell you that I am here. On your birthday, but also for the rest of your life. Congratulations!

For the prettiest quinceañera

Friend, today you start a new stage of life. Children is left behind, you will keep beautiful moments in your memory, and at the same time you become a woman. You are beautiful, intelligent, fun, and brave, and I think about the fate I have to meet you. Today you know that we are all going to celebrate for you, for the prettiest quinceañera! that will have the most emotional party. That everything is wonderful, that you feel the most special person, and that you celebrate from getting up until you go to rest. Happy Birthday!

I feel a lot of emotion

I feel a lot of emotion, and I’m not you! I know you have gone through a lot, and that’s why you deserve a great day. Happy Birthday best Friend!

This is the perfect day

This is the perfect day for that step that will lead you to become a great woman, and I will be here to see you do it! I hope you have fun and always remember this birthday as the best of your life. I always knew you were very pretty, but today you are dazzling! Happy 15 years, friend!

How nice to have you as a friend

How nice to have you as a friend, I keep thousands of beautiful moments in my memory, that I love to feel happy and to laugh from the past time. Today that you celebrate the arrival of another year, surely things that we can remember will happen. Happy Birthday Beauty!

May God continue helping you in each of your decisions

Happy Birthday friend! May God continue to help you in each of your decisions and accompany you at every step, have a nice day, and that you receive a lot of love. I thank the Lord for your beautiful friendship, and you forever so good with me, so careful and so inspiring.

Today I am especially happy

Happy birthday, friend of the soul! Today I am especially happy and it is thanks to the fact that your day has arrived, and that as every year I can be a little while with you to give you a hug, to provide, to celebrate and talk. I value a lot every minute that I have with you, because I know that having your friendship is like having a great fortune, and thinking that we will be old and that we will keep it, it makes me feel very good. God bless you!

Know what I have close to you

Happy birthday neighbour! Knowing that I have you close to me always made me feel the quieter person. I consider myself an lucky person, because a few meters from my house I have a good friend and constant support. Have a nice day, and get up to you!

Congratulations to my usual friend

My life only makes sense because I can count on your friendship. Happy birthday my friend!

We will continue with this friendship until we are old

Happy Birthday friend! With you it is true that a friend is for a lifetime, because I know you since we are babies and I know that we will continue with this friendship until we are old. I will always be for you, whatever time, and whatever you need.

You have something very special

Of all my dear friends You have something very special And we knew from the beginning! You are brave and very persistent, That’s why I’m glad When your dreams are fulfilled. Celebrates this year with joy, And never forget that the important It is having those who love you nearby. Happy Birthday friend!

I send you special gifts

I send you special gifts Today for being your fabulous day, And also because being your friend, It is one of my greatest joys. This day must be splendid Just as you are day by day. Affectionate, gentle and passionate They are some of your qualities. Happy Birthday friend! You deserve the world!

As a neighbor I have a great friend

Happy birthday neighbour! When I moved my attention to your good disposition and your great education and it did not spend much time until we began to exchange some words that shortly after becoming great conversations, that many times have no end! Now I can say that as a neighbor I have a great friend.

I tell the Lord for giving me your friendship

Congratulations my friend! That on his birthday reigns joy, goodness, and happiness, that over time all his wishes come true and that he can see your smile every day for many more years. I tell the Lord for giving me your friendship, and you for always being so good person with me and with all you surround yourself, you always inspire me.

They say there is no better friendship

They say that there is no better friendship than that of childhood, because it is true and without interest. Thanks for being my friend! Happy Birthday!

Have the privilege of meeting you

Happy Birthday friend! I am very happy that this beautiful day arrives for you, that you can celebrate it and that you have time to spend it with your loved ones. I am also glad to be within your nearby people, have the privilege of meeting you and having your friendship for another year. God bless you!

We remain as close as when we were girls

When I met you, I didn’t know that you would be my lifelong friend! Today I celebrate your friendship, and the fact that we remain as close as when we were girls. I am glad to know that over the years our friendship is becoming more valuable and lasting. Happy Birthday!

Friend, God will be by your side for another year, helping you

God will be by your side one more year, helping you and protecting you, and all of us who love you will also be next to you. I hope nothing changes you and tell me whenever you need it. Happy Birthday friend!

I am very happy to have your friendship

Happy birthday, heart friend! May God bless you today, and in every day, and have peace, health and joys. I am very happy to have your friendship, and I want to keep it forever. You are a very special person for me, and I want you to know that you can count on me whenever you need it. I send you a hug full of love.

I really like being with you

Congratulations my friend! I really like being with you, At your side I always feel I have coat. You are that person That shows you your friendship at all hours, And you are always when you know There is need. Brave and attentive person, constant and strong woman For me, always a reference. May our friendship last All birthdays of your life, keep celebrating them by your side Well you are one of the best people that I know and that I will know. Take care, Ask for help when needed Because I will be here. And the most important, enjoy your day!

You are a unique woman

Friend, you are a unique woman I hope you have a happy birthday! And may God allow our friendship to be eternal.

That come full of joy

Let them come full of joy This and every day! With great happiness I tell you That you are one of my favorites. Friend like you any! I want you to know that you are unique, crazy, affectionate, and the funniest of all. From the bottom of my heart I want our friendship Never end, and too that we continue so complicit As we are from little. I am very happy to know that God joined our paths, and what for a long time to pass We continue the same as always. Happy Birthday dear friend!

Years and years go

It is past years and years, and you are still by my side, in the same way as in childhood. Happy Birthday friend!

No matter what others say

No matter what others say! Our relationship ended, but we are still very good friends! That’s why today I celebrate your birthday. I appreciate you very much, and I hope you know that I will always be your friend, whatever happens. Let many more years come!

Since childhood we were together

Since childhood we were together, and now that we are older we have even more birthdays to celebrate. Happy Birthday friend!

I want the most

What comes next They are a few words of love. For you, my dear friend, that person for whom I feel so much and so immense admiration, whom I adore, whom I learn And the one I love the most. Today as every year, The day is transformed In a succession of magical hours, in which we celebrate With great enthusiasm your day, That beautiful moment in which you came to life. Love, affection, hugs and emotion, I hope those words are for which you remember today. Happy Birthday!

Today several kilometers separate us

Friend, today several kilometers separate us, but technology has advanced so much that it will be as if it were by your side. Happy Birthday! You deserve to be fulfilled all the wishes you can imagine and more. I hope one of those is that we see each other again! I love you!

The best person to trust

Today that is a very special day I wanted to tell you some things I always think But I never told you. And you are great the best person in whom to trust You always showed me What would someone loyal and that above all It was our friendship. That’s why I tell you thanks, and with preaching pride all over the world That you are my friend. Happy Birthday!

Our childhood as the best

Although every time it goes further, we will always remember our childhood as the best. Happy Birthday friend!

You are still as beautiful as ever

Happy Birthday friend! You turn one more year, and you are still as beautiful as ever.

Congratulations to the friend who was always by my side

For those who were with me in my best and worse moments, I wish you a birthday full of joys. Congratulations, my friend!

It’s lucky to have you

Happy Birthday friend! It is lucky to have you and it is lucky to be able to see you today. I adore you!

I want to make a toast to your health

Just twelve I’m going to send you this message, I have been prepared for a long time! Happy, happy birthday, friend! The fifteen are a date that you will never forget. Today you will dance and illuminate as the most beautiful star. You were always a young woman with an unparalleled light, but today you are with a glow that only this age know how to give. I want to make a toast to your health, and ask the sky to be very durable. May the blessings be very great from now on!

This day will be light

This day will be light because you only flash tranquility and love. Happy birthday mate! That you have a life full of successes and that you always work on what you are passionate about. I thank you for your friendship, I feel that I am lucky to have met you because you changed my life. I like the way you think! That authentic person continues, and my good friend!

Celebrating birthdays with you from our childhood

Happy Birthday friend! I’ve been celebrating birthdays with you from our childhood, a few beautiful years in which we could learn great things about life, which have served us so far. Today I will meet with you to celebrate, share the joy I feel to have you as a friend, and to see you happy, because this is a day you love, and you spend it smiling. I know we are going to have a great time, and I have a surprise prepared for you … something that will love you!

Spending time with you comforts me

Friend, I have a lot of love, spending time with you comforts me, because you make me look at the world in another way, feel that I can achieve what I want, that I am able to do it. I want to thank you for always being there for me, and I want to tell you that I am also for you, that anything you need can ask me and I will help you with pleasure. Happy Birthday!

On this beautiful day, God gave you life

Happy Birthday friend! On this beautiful day, God gave you life, and today with the heart to overflow with joy, all of us who love you we receive a new year, which will bring new experiences and new opportunities to you, and I hope all of them Be good. Your faith was always an inspiration for me, and your strength encouraged me in the most difficult moments. Thanks for all that, you are an exceptional woman, and you deserve the best of days. A hug for you!

Have you like my mother -in -law

Today I want to thank you for having you as my mother -in -law, and because, in addition, I know you are a friend. Happy Birthday!

It makes me very excited that your day arrives

Happy Birthday Sister in law! It makes me very excited that your day arrives and above all, knowing that, in recent times, you have become my friend. When I met you, I did not imagine that you could be so fun, but as we take confidence, I realized that we could have a great friendship! I hope that this day you spend from surprise to surprise, from one joy to another one, and from a good plan to another much better. That this year you have health, a lot of love and great challenges that motivate you on a day -to -day basis. A hug!

Your friendship is sincere

Your friendship is sincere and I love that it is so, because in my life I had many people who believed special, and in the end they ended up disappointing me. That is one of the reasons why I want to celebrate this day with you, friend, to let you know the good you do to my life since you appeared. I think it is worth telling you that I will always be present, even in the most difficult moments because over the years I have learned the real value that friendship has. Happy Birthday! I love you very much, and I send you a very big kiss!

Our friendship remains intact

Over the years one thing changed, we are more beautiful! But our friendship remains intact. Happy birthday, a lifelong friend!

To feel good, dear, loved and valued

Happy Birthday friend! This is your day, one day for everyone to show you without fears how much we love you. One day for you to receive beautiful messages from people who are part of your day to day, and those who are further. It is a day for you to feel good, dear, loved and valued, as each of the days of your life should be, but with a great party with you as the protagonist. I love you very much!

My friend, we have lived so much together

My friend, we have lived so much together, we have overcome so much and past for the best moments I can remember. Today on your birthday several of those moments come to mind when I felt full happiness, moments when I wanted to stay forever. Today I offer you, for how beautiful person you are and for my luck of having you. Enjoy how only you know how to do it and keep showing the world how wonderful you are. Congratulations!


Having you as an autont is knowing that I also have a very good friend, person who will be there to liste to me and to help me. Having You Is The Most Beautiful Thing, and It Gives Me A Lot Of Joy! Happy Birthday Aunt! I HOPE YOU HAVE EVERYTHING YOU HOPE FOR IN THIS YEAR THAT YOU Enter Today, THAT EACH DAY BRINGS YOU SUBJECTHING POSITIVE, AND THAT ALL YOU ENJOY A LOT, LAUGH, DANCE AND SING.

On this day i will be with you

Childhood Friend, and Friend of My Soul, On this Day I Will Be With You, But Before I Tell You Here … Happy Birthday!

Know what I have by my side

Happy birthday, boss! Today I can say with great pride that you are also my friend, and that makes me very happy. Knowing that I have you by my side in the difficulties and that you are always attentive in case I need something gives me a lot of peace of mind. Today I wanted to tell you that you do not forget that I am here too, that if at any time you have a bad day, you can talk to me and I will gladly help you. We provide for more years of work and friendship!

I’m lucky to celebrate with you

I am lucky to celebrate with you one more year, happy birthday, best friend!

It’s time to celebrate your day

It’s time to celebrate your day, boss! There are not many people like you! Over time you have known how to win the trust and friendship of all. In you I know that I can find an unconditional friend, and that is why I want to celebrate this day with you. Thank you for teaching me that there is nothing better than doing what we like with our hearts! Happy birthday for the best boss!

I really like celebrating your birthday

Aunt, I really like to celebrate your birthday, because you are a good friend, and you make the best parties. Congratulations!

I am happy to celebrate it with you

Finally your day has arrived, friend! Today we will celebrate your fifteen with the best parties, prepare for all surprises! It is the perfect day for you to shine more than any star, and you look in every possible way. I am very happy to celebrate it with you and I hope you are a wonderful day. Happy Birthday! Let’s celebrate!

Another year to give thanks

Another year to thank our beautiful friendship. Happy Birthday friend!

This year you will have two birthday

Friend, as we are far, this year you will have two birthday, today and when we celebrate on your return. Congratulations!

I send you a lot of love

Happy Birthday friend! I send you a lot of love and thousands of hugs, smile a lot and be happy!

Always beautiful

Always beautiful and always beautiful, that is you, friend. Happy Birthday!

A pleasure to walk a year with you

Happy Birthday friend! A pleasure walk next to you, Seeing you reach success, overcome challenges, and grow very fast and very good, with health and joy What are things important of life. Everything that I can tell you today You have a great time, And don’t forget To ask for a wish!

Thanks a lot

I have put an alarm to remind me of this special day! Happy birthday, boss! I want you to know that I thank you for being so kind and special with me. In all the time I have shared with you, I realized that I can have a friend and a good counselor. Thanks a lot!

You are the friend that everyone should have by their side

Knowing you changed my life, And talking with you opened my mind, You taught me to be more independent, And to want to fly further, Thanks for each one of your advice! You are the friend that all the world I should have by your side, And today you deserve one day of joys and smiles. Happy Birthday!

I miss this date with you

I miss this date with you, friend. Happy Birthday! Everything was better when we were together! But don’t feel sad! I never lose hope that we see each other again and celebrate together. So prepare yourself! When we see each other we will celebrate everything we have not been able to, but while that day comes, have fun to the fullest and send me many photos of this special day.

All of us who love you

May success come to you In this new year that today, with great joy, You start and celebrate. That you continue transmitting to those who love you love, goodness and sincerity, They are qualities of which you should not separate, Well make you A unique person And always special. Enjoy your present, of everything that it has To offer you, Enjoy today Well, all of us who love you We will do our best to be the best birthday. Congratulations my friend!

Many blessings of our Lord

Happy Birthday friend! That you receive many blessings from Our Lord, who will accompany you for another year, and that you also receive my words with love, with which I want to wish you a year of health, joys and harmony. A very strong hug for you!

You deserve a beautiful and blessed birthday

Congratulations my friend! You deserve a beautiful and blessed birthday, a day of love and joy, to share with the family. For me you are very special, and that’s why I wanted to send you these words, so you can remember.

May your day be unforgettable and fun

Happy Birthday friend! May your day be unforgettable and fun, that everything that comes from now on is positive, and that you have a year of great experiences. May God bless you and never change in way of being because you are wonderful. A hug!

You are destined to bloom

Friend, it is often said that today so memorable, you conclude your 15 springs, such as the season, you are destined to bloom and shine as much as a beautiful flower every day and in each of your birthdays, but especially in East. Facing 15 years is an occasion that you always have to keep in your memory so that it revivates every detail that made this day incredible. You deserve a life with a percentage of happiness that passes and overflows the limit of every day, Bella friend. I love you very much and I wish you all the best that can be desired to such a wonderful person inside as out. Happy 15 springs, friend!

As I would like to have you close, friend

Dear friend, I would like that have you close of me today, Hug you strong and wish you a Happy Birthday Looking in your eyes.

This letter for your birthday

Friend, I have written this letter for your 15th birthday, because I want to tell you in writing everything I feel today. You are the best friend I could imagine I was going to have, when I met you, I finally knew what friendship was, and you gave me a thousand reasons to trust you. I will always thank you and be by your side. I know that today it will be a perfect day, that everything is prepared for you to feel the queen of the party, and it makes me very excited to be with you. Happy Birthday!

My luck is to have found you in life

Happy Birthday friend! My luck is to have found you in life and that we have the most beautiful friendship.

I thank God for having your friendship

Congratulations my friend! It is a joy to congratulate you today and know that you will have a beautiful birthday party in which you will have a great time. I thank God for having your friendship, because it allowed me to find me with you and meet you, and I want you to have a very nice year.

A year that comes with great opportunities

I have never met anyone with such spontaneity as the one you have, dear friend. Being with you is always synonymous with having a good time, and today that you turn years, it will be one of those days when it will be difficult to stop smiling. I wish for you in the most sincere way a year that comes with great opportunities, that you are still so sincere, so natural and so good friend, because I know that your beautiful way of being will open many doors. Happy Birthday!

I have a penalty of not being with you today

Friend, I have a penalty of not being with you today, because we always have a great time celebrating your birthday. Even so, I am very happy for you, and because the distance has not caused our friendship to be less, but that it has joined us every day. I know that you will celebrate in style, so you will tell me tomorrow all the adventures of the day, the people who saw, the surprises, the gifts … I hope we see each other soon, be happy, today and always! Happy Birthday!

A few days ago you are in my life

A few days ago you are in my life, and you arrived at the perfect moment! I had to learn so many things from you! Today I celebrate your existence with great joy. Happy Birthday friend!

Always keep that joy

I never imagined that knowing you was so fun. Happy birthday, new friend! Always keep that joy!

They say that beauty is inside

They say that beauty is inside, but you are beautiful on the outside and inside, friend. Happy Birthday!

Today I would spend all day by your side

You know that if we were not so far today it would spend all day by your side. Happy Birthday friend!

I would never neglect such a dear person

Friend, you thought I was going to forget this great day … but I would never neglect such a dear person, so there comes … Congratulations! I hope you had a day of many emotions, surprises, good food, and why not say it, gifts! I am not being able to see you today but tomorrow we will see each other and you can tell me everything you did, with all the details! Never be as you are, because you are a divine person! I adore you!

Have a relaxing day

Have a relaxing day, and you can take advantage of every second of this day. Happy Birthday best Friend!

That you keep shining for your beauty

Happy Birthday friend! That you keep shining for your beauty many more years, even infinite! I hope you spend this day surrounded by all your loved ones, and I will be there among them, because I adore you! Many years have passed since I met you and for many things that have happened to you, I have never seen you erase your smile. That is why I want to tell you that I admire your strength and your courage, and I want to thank you because being as you are, you inspire me day by day.

Despite not being no boyfriends

We always said that first of all we would keep our friendship, and it has been, despite not being no more boyfriends, we continue to be the friends we were before all, and I thank life for it. Thus, today, which is the most special day, I congratulate my ex -girlfriend and friend for his birthday, congratulations!

My childhood was beautiful

My childhood was beautiful, and a large part of it was thanks to having you as a friend. Happy Birthday!

A better friend congratulates her

A better friend is congratulated every day, because having someone so special is the best of life, but today that is the day you were born with much more reason! Happy Birthday friend! You have all the qualities of the world, for me you are the perfect woman, and I love to share time with you. Our trust is the most valuable thing I have, and I know that with you I can be who I am. Love you!

A friend like you was a gift

A friend like you was a fallen gift from heaven, thanks for being so special … and happy birthday!

I’m glad to know that you haven’t changed

I’m glad to know that you haven’t changed anything, you continue so magnificent, wonderful and good person. Happy birthday, great friend!

A godmother is special and is a friend

A godmother is special and is a friend, and you are the best of all! I love you very much, godmother! I am so glad that my parents have chosen you, because we truly have much in common, and we even look physically. I wish you a great birthday day! And that everyone around you makes you feel very special.

Always spend it well

One day I met you, and you shy you, you presented yourself, But the truth is that you did not take in showing your most fun side, And since then, apart from my sister -in -law, You started being my friend. You are a person with whom I can sincere myself in any moment, with which I am comfortable and with which always I spend it well. And today upon that day What do you like so much … your birthday! And I’ll be with you to celebrate it, To laugh, dance and enjoy. Congratulations!

The usual friendship for my friend

That this day does not miss peace or health because for joy and friendship you have me, as always! Happy Birthday friend!

Let’s take care of what we have

Happy Birthday friend! We know each other of a lifetime and that has created in us a very special bond that I doubt that one day can be broken. Therefore, let’s take care of what we have, and continue supporting ourselves as until now. I am very happy to share with you this day, to see you so cheerful and smiling, for being able to be part of your life, and, ultimately, because you are my friend. I hope to help you today in everything you need, prepare the most beautiful party, with everything you want. I wish you many gifts, but I not only talk about those who are materials, but those that occur when demonstrating affection and love, of those that give heat and make us feel loved. I start with mine, and I tell you that I love you to infinity.

As you always dreamed it

Friend, the day has finally arrived, today we celebrate your 15 years as you always dreamed it. It is impossible for me not to remember all the hours we spent together talking and planning this special day in which you would fulfill one of your greatest wishes. I love you very much, friend, I know that today you will be stunning and wonderful, but never forget that the most beautiful thing you can carry today is your simplicity, your sympathy and your charm. Happy Birthday beautiful! I hope everything is as you imagined, and so you can go back in time to remember today whenever you want.

Good to have you close one more year

Good to have you close one more year, and good that you are still my best friend. Happy Birthday!

You have always been an example to follow

Friend, it is usually said that when you turn 15 you stop being a girl and you become a woman, but the truth is that this is not your case because since I know you have always been an example to follow, someone responsible and perfect with a mentality superior to anyone’s. I love you very much not only because you are my friend, but because you are the sweetest and most nice person I have met in my whole life. I wish you a happy birthday, and that you make all the goals that you propose with great success.

You are a spectacular woman

You are a spectacular woman, friend! Happy birthday, and that life of many blessings, because beauty you already have it.

Your look is the most sincere

Happy Birthday friend! Today next to you I hope to pass the best day. Your smile It is the most beautiful that one day I saw And when you show it Everything around you shines And you all transmit us Your positive energy. Your look is the most sincere, With your beautiful eyes you observe everything, Always attentive, willing to learn of whatever that can make you grow. I admire you and I always will, Well, I know that a person like you It never ceases to surprise.

With you I have lived a thousand

I think that in childhood we make the strongest links, those who last for a lifetime, and that happened with you, dear friend. Since then we were inseparable, and on a day like this, in which you become a little older, what I feel I do not know if I can describe it. With you I have lived a thousand stories, thanks to you I learned many things, I all keep them with me, because they serve me in many. Thank you dear friend, for existing, happy birthday!

I remember with much love when we met

I still remember with much love when we met, friend, that day I didn’t think you would become someone so special for me and here we are! Many years later, celebrating your birthday again. Whenever this day arrives I thank God to exist, because I do not know what would be of my life if you were not to advise me in my moments of tension. I promise to do the same for you! Happy Birthday!

When I think we are far away

Friend, when I think we are far away, I get sad, that’s why I concentrate on remembering all the beautiful and fun moments we live, and that makes me more cheerful. One of those moments is your birthday, because we always have a great time. Although this year I cannot be with you, you know that my mind will be, and that it tells each of the days left to see each other again and we can live thousands of stories again. Happy Birthday!

I hope you have a very beautiful and sweet day

Happy Birthday friend! I hope you have one day very beautiful and sweet, that all of us who love you We know how to convey Our good energy and that you continue one more year being as you are, Faithful to your principles brave and intelligent.

I’m sad not to be there

Dear friend, today you turn And I feel sad for not being there. You more than anyone knows the important which are for us these dates. However, I don’t want you to be sad! Today is your day and it has to be unforgettable. You are a spectacular, funny woman, affectionate and full of joy. Every day I appreciate your friendship! I ask that this is the only birthday in which we are not together. I send you a giant hug. Happy birthday, dear friend!

You’re a good person

I had never met anyone before showing me how good person that is so quickly. Happy Birthday friend!

You will shine like never before

I have so much emotion that it seems that it was my birthday! Happy 15, friend! Today you will have a great time in the company of all your loved ones and many of your friends. I hope you enjoy this day to the fullest and be as magical as you always planned. Remember that this day you only live once! And the memories will last a lifetime. You will shine as never before and we will all be there to see you become a spectacular woman.

That on your birthday you feel the love of God

Congratulations my friend! That in your birthday you feel the love of God and of all the people we surround you and that we admire you so much, for everything you do and for what you are. Thank you for giving me your time whenever I need it, for knowing how to listen so well, for your humility and for your generosity. Your friendship for me is something that I want to take care of forever, I’m sorry as something very beautiful and of great value, because you are a very special person.

The most beautiful quinceañera in the place, today will celebrate!

The most beautiful quinceañera in the place, Today you will celebrate! And that is you, Dear friend, Always brilliant Always light. We always stayed together And today it was not going to be less, I will be aware of you all day supporting you and helping you In everything you need, and of course, Enjoying by your side. Happy Birthday!

The important thing you are for me

Dear friend, with these words I want you to know how important you are for me, and that, on this special day, even if we are far away, I always remember you. I want you to have a great time, that you are happy. Enjoy a lot and take advantage of the day, I wait for news telling me all the details. Happy Birthday!

As we were in childhood

Happy Birthday friend! You want to be by your side to celebrate for another year, because time may have passed, but I think that in many ways we stay as we were in childhood, people with great illusion, cheerful and wanting to share moments and happiness. Today is your day and, without a doubt, we will have a great time.

I have little time knowing you

I have little time knowing you, but I already consider you a good friend. Happy Birthday dear!

We are friends since I have memory

Another year to celebrate together, friend, and we have been doing it from childhood! Well, we are friends since I have memory, and we will be old and we will continue to be. I wish you on this day a great celebration, many surprises, signs of love and love. All of us who know you are looking forward to spending a little while, talk, celebrate and give you a big hug. For my part, I really want to see you and that we remember together stories of our past. Happy Birthday!

A very nice quinceañera party

It must be very beautiful to reach 15 years, surely you spend a fantastic day and that you have a very beautiful quinceañera party. I will like to be there with you, looking at your dance and sharing all the happiness that this day brings. I hope we are still friends forever, that all birthdays are together and that there is nothing to separate us. I wish you the best in this new stage, and that today you have a better time than good! Happy Birthday friend!

Enjoy as never before

Today I want to wish you for the best day because you are an excellent friend and despite everything that happened, I consider that we are lucky to have met. I pray that your day is full of light and enjoy this special day as never before. Happy Birthday!

Friend, I hope you spend a nice day

Friend, I hope you spend a nice birthday day. May your party be the most wonderful and start the 15 with a smile in the mouth. For me to have your friendship is like having something that I know I want to take care of forever. I know how important it is to have you, and I hope you can feel all the love I have, which is very much. Thanks for being so good to me! I wish you the best today and all year, congratulations!

It will not be the exception today

When we are together it is more special, and today it will not be the exception. Happy Birthday friend!

Our love relationship ended

Our love relationship ended, and that entails great changes in my life, but there is something that remained intact, and it is the love I feel for you. Today you are for me a very good friend, and I am very happy that you continue in my life. Thus, on this special day, different from other years in which I got more implemented, you become a little older, and with joy and happiness I know you are going to celebrate. I wish you the best of parties, many friends nearby, and a year to your measure. Happy birthday, ex -girlfriend!

Today is a day to wish in big

Happy birthday, Bella friend! Today is a day to wish in big A smile, and in which you realize that you are a wonderful person. I hope you also have several wishes for you, and that everyone is fulfilled. That they blow them with hope and enjoy, you laugh and not stop celebrating for you.

What an illusion that arrives for you is blessed day

Happy birthday my friend! What an illusion that arrives for you This blessed day. I am very happy to meet you, that our paths They crossed one day I will always remember, And you let me discover The wonderful person and the big heart in you. Today, without a doubt, I will provide with you for all the successes that are to come For the beautiful future that awaits you And for all the doors that will open In this new year that you release. I adore you!

Our friendship is recent

Our friendship is recent, but in a short time it has become giant! Happy Birthday friend!

Dear friend, prepare to shine

Dear friend, prepare to shine, because today you require that you are great! You have reached 15 years and you have a party to celebrate, that will mark the year and that you will remember with love all your life. Do not hesitate to enjoy, and receive all the love and love that your loved ones have to give you, happy birthday!

Where have you been all this time?

Happy Birthday friend! We just met, and I wonder where you were all this time, you are great!

Congratulations for the most special friend

Congratulations to the most special friend! I hope you have a magical birthday and that you are always happy.

Have you as a friend

Having you as a friend is one of the most beautiful things that have happened to me in this life. You are fun, nice, you always have some plan to do, with you every day can be different, and I love that! I cannot imagine that you will have thought for today, that you turn years and you always celebrated it in style, but I hope you let me know soon to be able to organize the day, because what I want most is to be next to you. Happy Birthday!

My friend, I wish you a beautiful day

My friend, I wish you a beautiful day and that your heart is filled with good feelings. You deserve all the happiness of the world. Happy Birthday!

Have you as best friend

Having you as best friend always gives me a positive perspective at life. Happy Birthday!

I know we will get together soon

Today we are far, but I know that we will soon get together, and I also keep you alive in every memory. Happy Birthday friend!

How pride I feel that you are my aunt

How pride I feel that you are my aunt! You were always a good friend, and you were by my side in the difficult times. I love you and I wish you the best of birthdays! Always stay young and continue to be as kind as until now. I hope that today the candles whisper very strongly, and God always guides each of your steps.

We celebrate your birthday

This day is equal to others because we will be together, but at the same time different because we celebrate your birthday. Congratulations, best friend!

You have very little time in my life

Happy Birthday friend! I consider that you have very little time in my life, but I want you to stay for many more years.

Neighbor, you are a person for whom I feel great love

Happy birthday neighbour! Today I send you this message because it seemed important to congratulate you. In recent times you have become a friend, you are a person for whom I feel great affection and wanted to let you know with these words. I wish you another year of life in which you continue to enjoy every day, reaching your goals and feeling yourself realized, and of course, that we are much more and have many more conversations on the stairs of the house, which are always wonderful!

Some of the reasons to celebrate

There are those who see the brothers as an example to follow, But for me you are more than that You are a friendly hand, a permanent protector, And the best advisor. Those are just some of the reasons why I celebrate you today and always. Happy birthday to best!

Being far has always been difficult

Friend, being far has always been difficult, but that has never been an excuse to stop celebrating your birthday. Congratulations! Sometimes it saddens me not to have news of yours and I even think that you have forgotten me, but even in those days you remind me that our friendship is very special and unwavering. Thank you for being so good!

Celebrate your birthday, friend

Dance, provide, jump and shout for joy and happiness! Dear friend, that there is nothing inside you for celebrating on this day of your birthday.

For my best friend

For my best friend, for the most valuable person of my life, happy birthday!

One of my favorite people

You are one of my favorite people, friend! So I want to take advantage of this moment to wish you a happy birthday. You have always characterized yourself by being one of those shocking, and enthusiastic women. It is that same enthusiasm that will take you far! I hope our beautiful friendship continues as until now, and that your good wishes come true. Congratulations! I love you very much!

When your neighbor is also your friend

When your neighbor is also your friend, her birthday is a guaranteed party for you too, and that is what happens to me! Today I will be with you, neighbor, to celebrate for your new age and to provide. Congratulations!

Congratulations, today is a new day

Happy Birthday! I want this day to contain all the joy you deserve. That peace, health and love are not lacking. Fight for what you think and never give up pursuing your dreams. I am sure that life will always be your great friend. Therefore, he enjoys this day, and also, of all others, which will be beautiful and unforgettable. Congratulations!

What great happiness to be able to accompany you on this day

Friend of my soul, What a great happiness Be able to accompany you On this day without equal. You turn 15 years old And I know you will have A spectacular party. I’m really happy for you, I love to see you smile And I know you will do it today endless. Happy birthday, quinceañera!

Years and years can pass

Happy Birthday, dear childhood friend! Years and years can spend, than our friendship It will remain intact. On a day like this, in which you grow a little more, I think In everything we live And I wear something nostalgic. At the same time happy For you, for life, What happens to us the best of you.

I hope that when you read this message

Happy Birthday friend! I hope that when you read this message you are already celebrating.

May my best friend

That my best friend is the birthday means that the party for today is guaranteed … Happy birthday!

My favorite sister -in -law is birthday

My favorite sister -in -law is birthday! Since I know you I have not attended a birthday celebration as animated and fun as the ones you prepare. You love being surrounded by people on this day, and I know that you are a beautiful person, friend of your friends, because many people always come to give you their love and company! I am lucky to have you as a sister -in -law, because it did not spend much time since we met until we began to be friends. And you are one of the good ones, because you are always available to listen to me, to help me and, in addition, give the best tips! I want to thank you for everything you do for me, and tell you that you have me here forever. I know that it is year we will have more than good, and that it is that every year it exceeds the previous one. Congratulations!

Those adventures of childhood

Dear friend, all those adventures of childhood, laughter, joys, learning … all that is in my memory forever, and to remember it next to you on days like this, when you turn one more year! I want to send you my words of affection, and of gratitude, for all these years of friendship that I know will never end. For your understanding at all times, and for your unconditional support. I want you to enjoy today, have the best birthday party, with all the people who love you around you to celebrate with you, that you become a little older, but that you are still that person we all adore. Of course I will be among those people, congratulations!

I want you to remain my best friend

I want you to remain my best friend forever, and that this year I bring you what you have been waiting for for a while. Happy Birthday!

From remoteness and distance

From the distance and the distance that I separate, I tell you … Happy birthday, friend!

Childhood friends are never lost

I believe with all my heart that the friends of childhood are never lost, because they are always within who we are and are a part of what we become. Thus, you continue to be part of my life, dear friend, and on a day as valuable as this, I want to tell you … Happy birthday! This year we are further from the common and therefore I will not be able to give you a hug in person, or be part of your celebration. I have decided then, send you here the greatest hugs!

My friend turns 15 years old

The most beautiful thing about this day is that my friend turns 15, and for me it will be an honor to accompany her in this important time. You are the bravest and more personality, with you, I learn a lot, you are always there to have fun but also to speak and help me when I need it. I hope you spend very well today, I know you will be very excited at the moment, preparing you with your beautiful dress and waiting for it to be a great day. I wish with all my heart that is so, happy birthday!

It’s very nice to have you as a friend

It is very cute have you as a friend, Infinite conversations The laughs, whether at night or are day, the complicity, has no limits And what makes us understand without having to say Not a single word. Everything is good, When I am next to you. Happy Birthday!

That this new cycle is beautiful, friend

Today you start a new cycle. May this rebirth bring a lot of joy and happiness for your life. Happy Birthday friend!

The best things in life

Congratulations, friend, for another year of life! I hope you smile a lot today and that joy never lacks in your heart. Never forget that the best things in life are free and are available to all of us. Love, friendship, a beautiful day of sun, the brightness of a passionate look, are very valuable things, that money cannot buy. Our friendship is like that, a treasure that enriches my life. Well, you are very special and you make me happy. I want the best for you, a lot of health, love, peace and success. Happy Birthday dear friend!

When you are big you will tell your grandchildren

Friend, she’s here, the day has arrived … Today you turn 15, and as you know, it will be one of the most special days you have lived so far. I imagine that you will be excited, because I know you well, and also, you will be looking forward to the time of your quinceañera party, where we will be all your guests to share with you this happy day. Surely you will be beautiful, because you chose a very nice dress and you are beautiful. I feel a very happy person because I have your friendship, and I know it is very valuable, and that is … you are great! I hope everything goes perfect, and that we have a great time, I have the assurance that it will be a day that will remain in your memories forever, and when you are great you will tell your grandchildren and granddaughter everything you did and how beautiful it was. I don’t want to get more sentimental, so without more, I want to wish you a happy birthday!

Congratulations on another year of life, Friend

Happy Birthday Friend! I Wish You Many Happy Returns, Not Only Today, But Every Day. May You Take Advantage of this Day and May You Always Enjoy Your Life and All The Good Things in It. I Hope you start This New Year of Life with Great Joy and Always Continue To Make Your Way With The Best Smile. I love you see a lot!

My Wonderful Ex Girlfriend

On Special Days Like Today We Always Want To Be With Our Love Uones, And I Hope You Can Considar Me One of Them, Lift The Fact That Our Courtship Did Not Work Out In The Best Way, We Were Always Vary Good Friends and I Hope We Will Continue to Be for Many More Years. . I Want You To Laugh, Sing, Dance and Above All Enjoy This Beautiful Day and All The Following Ones. You are a Wonderful person and you defected to be very happy! Happy Birthday, Soul Friend!

God Bless You and have a Wonderful Day Today.

Happy Birthday My Friend! May God Bless You and May You spend today A Vary Beautiful Day Among Friends and Family. I want to tell you that for me your friendship is One of the Greatest Blessings of this Life, and That I Feel Like A Vry Lucky person to have you there and to be uble to share so many mcents with you. May you celebrate with the greatest joy, to Day As Special As This Deerves Nothing Less Than A Great Party. I Send You My Love Along With A Big Hug.

Everything you do is born from your Kind Heart

You Mean Lot To Me and it’s subjecthing i wanted to tell you On This Day When you change phases, when a new year Arrives for You. For You to Enjoy It, for You to Continue Learning, Having Such to Good Character and Knowing That Eventhing You Do Is Born from Your Kind Heart, That’s Why Everything Will Always Be Beautiful. Do not forget that for me you are a Pride of Friend, that and always put you as an example of all that is good. I love you! Happy Birthday!

I Could Be with You Days and Days

This year I have decided to make you a poem Because you are a Great Friend WHHO DEERVES SUBSTHING SPECIAL. You are Vary Beautiful, Prettier than a Rose, You are fun and i could be with you Days and Days, Thanks for All The Time, For Every Smile You Give Me and for your Beautiful look at life. Happy Birthday Friend!

I Met You Recently

I have only know you for a short time, but i can say that you are a person with an aparalleled light. Happy Birthday Friend!

The Amazing Woman You Are

On Days like This I Remember When We Met and All The Adventures We Enjoyed Together, and For That, My Friend, I Want To Be One of the First People To Congratulalate You On Having Celebrated Another Year. You are a spectacular Woman Bush on the outside and on the inside and i want you to be has the right person. UNFORTUNATELY, THAT Special Subsone Is Not Me, But I Know That You Are Going To Achieve It and That Person Is Going To Feel The Luckiest Person In The World to Have You. I Hope This is the Beginning of A Year Full of Blessings, Health and Many Successes. Happy Birthday Dear!

Hope to see you soon my friend

Today that you are celebrating your Birthday, Friend, you do not know how many like to be close to you so that i can hug you and have a girls’ night. I Give Infinite Thanks for Your Friendship and for Knowing That, Liss the Distence, We Will Always Be United. You are a Wonderful Woman Who Desserves All The Best, and I Have full confidence that whatver you ask for Will eats True. I Wish with All My Heart That We See EACH OTHER SON HERE OR THIE, AND THAT WE CAN CELEBRATE THE NEXT BIRTHDAYS TOGETHER. I love you friend! Happy Birthday!

Smiling Because You Receive Your 15 Years

Happy Birthday, Fifteen-Yare-Oold Friend! Today you will be more Beautiful than Ever, Shining Like Event Day and Smiling Because You Reive Your 15 Years. Today you are Going to Fulfill A Dream, and The Most Wonderful Thing is that you will continue to Fulfill MANY MORE THROUGHOUT Your Life. I Want You to Know How Happy I Am To Be part of This Day, Toast with You To Your Health, Dance With You Uur our Feet Hurt, and Be by Your Side While You Blow Out The Candles.


On This Birthday, Achieve Everything You Want To Become, Congratulations, Dear Friend!

Niece, You are Special and A Great Friend

You are not Just My Niece, The Love I Have for You Is Not Due Exclusive To That Fact. Well, You are a Vary Special Person, and Today that you are a Woman, I also considered you a Friend, Subeone Who I Know Will Always Be Here. Happy Birthday, My Dear! Celebrate Your Day with Joy and Surroused By Much Affection and Love. You defected there the Good Things in Life, Lots of Happiness, Health, Love and Friendship. You are Really Special, and for Me You are One of My Favorite People in the Whole World. I love you! Congratulations, Dear Niece and Friend!


Friend, May Your 15 Years Give You Many Opportunities, Thousands of Moments in Which You Smile, Great Experiences and All The Luck in the World. I am Vary Happy for You, and Because I am Going to Be Uble to Spend Subime During The Day By Your Side. I Will See You, As Always, Beautiful, With Your Beautiful Smile and Your Good Energy, Ready To Star Another Stage of Your Life. I Hope That All the Surprisses You Request Today Make You Even Happier, and that All Your Wishes Come True. Happy Birthday!

I can Never Forget Your Day, Friend

My Friend, I Love You Immensely and Today I Want To Wish You The Best of Birthdays, Even Though We Are Not Together, I Want You To Know That The Distancy Will Never Make Me Forget Your Day. Today Only When I Woke Up I Remembered Eventhing We Have Lived Together, So Many Laughs and Adventures. I Ask That We Be Together Again Soon So That We Can Continue Creating Memories, and Telling Each Other Secrets That Only You and I Know! I HOPE YOU ENJOY A LOT, AND OF COURSE Save Me On Piece of Cake. Let’s bleow out those with great enthusiasm! Happy Birthday!

My Angelic Friend

Dear Friend, since I know you and count on your friendship, and am souto that you are Vray Special. In The Worsst Moment of My Life You Showed Me Not Only to Be a Wonderful Friend, But that you are a True Angel. Today is your Birthday, and i wanted to be uble to pay you a great tribute, submisthing that Will remote forever in your heart, and above all that wouled be worthy of its value. But the truth is that the best Thing I Can Give You Is My Friendship, My Love and All My Recognition. I worship you in a way that i cannot explanin, Because you are Special that you do notem of This World. Thank you for Everything, My Angel! You know that I wish you there the best there is, Because i Only Want Your Happiness, and that you continue with me will spread the end of Our Earthly Walk. Congratulations Friend!

This Beautiful Friendship

I Could Write You to normal Message but i decided to make you A Little Poem, in which i tell you that i am aware of How Lucky I Am to have you. Today I Will Enjoy By Your Side as we Have Done For Years, As Long As This Beautiful Friendship Last that I know Will Never End. Happy Birthday Friend!

Congratulations, Best Friend in the World

I Wish to Day of Peace, Love and Joy To The Best Friend in the World. Happy Birthday Dear!

Happy Birthday to the best autant in the world

Happy Birthday! You are the best autant in the world, The Most Special, Friend and Companion. I Trust You and I Know I Can Count On You for Anything. Every Day I Give Thanks for Having You in my life; I can’t Imagine Living Without You. I Wish You Much Happiness and that you live every moment OF THIS DATE WITH A Heart Full of Joy. May Your Life Be Long and Never Lack Health and Love.

Congratulations, My Soul Friend

Congratulations, On this day my soul friend! Reive Everyty Beautiful That Life Gives You, It Will Never Be Much, Because You Desserve EveryThing! Since we were little girls we are ae great friends and every year that passes my affection for you increase Little More. Thanks for Being Friends! Today We Will Toast To Your Spectacular Birthday and Also To Our Beautiful Friendship of So Many Years. Every Time Each of Us Turns A Year Older, Our Friendship Grows A Little More Likewise. I wish you to always be see happy, that you have close to all the People You Love, including me on that list. Big Kiss, Dear Friend!

May God bless my pretty friend on his birthday

May God bless my pretty friend on his birthday! That for another year you continue to keep so well, that you continue to distribute joy and dazzle those that we surround you with your beauty. I know that our friendship is perfect and I want to keep it until the end of the days. I wish you a lot of love of the good, and a path of faith and dreams to achieve. Happy Birthday!

How nice your birthday arrived, friend

How nice your birthday came, friend! How beautiful to have you in this life, know you, know about you, learn with you, live experiences by your side, and year after year, keep walking. I know you are one of my greatest luck, I know that our friendship is the most beautiful, the most sincere and most real. Thank you for giving me so much, for your generosity, for humility, and for that unconditional support that you show me day by day. I don’t know what would be of me if I didn’t have you here! Congratulations!

I want the best birthday for the best friend

I want the best birthday for the best friend of my life. Congratulations! That today you spend so well that for you it is an unforgettable day and that I can be with you as long as possible. Finding was magical and our friendship is the most beautiful thing in the universe. I know we will continue to take care of us for many more years, and that we will be inseparable. I love you very much and I hope to be for you, to help you, to accompany you and to support you. A hug!

Happy birthday, special friend

I want to send you this simple gesture of love in the form of a message, it may not be the most luxurious gift you receive on your birthday, but I assure you that it will be very sincere and loaded with the best positive vibrations. You are a very special person, that all the people who know you and personally know that I am the most fortunate of having you as my great friend. Happy Birthday friend!

I wish you a very happy birthday, my dear friend

I wish you a very happy birthday, my dear friend, surrounded by your people, of all who love you and admire you. Have God’s love for another year, and that you follow your determined path, as you have always done. I send you a hug, my best wishes and much love.

May God bless you on your birthday, my friend

May God bless you on your birthday, my friend. That this day bring for you all possible happiness, and that it is the beginning of a year of love, health, progress, joys, travel and hope. I wish you all the good, and you don’t know how much I value and how much I appreciate that you are my friend. Congratulations!

Friend, I don’t forget that it’s your birthday

Friend, I do not forget that it is your birthday, but I have to tell you that I did not expect to spend this day away from you, but the circumstances have made it far away and cannot be by your side. I know you will understand it, and I know that you will spend a phenomenal day, because you are the best and worship. Blow the candles with enthusiasm, you know you have to close your eyes and ask for a desire! This year I will not be to remind you, but I hope you don’t forget it. He spends a good day, and call me tomorrow for all the details. Congratulations!

Happy birthday for a friend who is far

Dear friend, today I want to wish you a happy birthday and tell you that I am very sorry you are so far. I would like to be able to hug you and be part of your special day, being by your side. I regret that my wishes are sent from afar. Believe me that they are full of feeling and good vibes, I hope they get to you and can contribute to have a wonderful day. I adore you, my friend! Congratulations and a kiss full of nostalgia.

Party, love and joy for my friend

That today, all the moments of your day are partying, love and a lot of joy. Congratulations for another year, friend!

My crazy friend

Dear friend, you are my preferred crazy woman. Keep it up, never change and your madness is the one that takes you to all the places you want. Fulfill, it’s happy!

Congratulations, my special friend

Congratulations, my special friend! I hope this day will be fantastic and stay in your memory for all eternity. I want your wishes to come true, and you never miss happiness and reasons to smile in your life. I love you and I want you to always be well. Happy Birthday!

Today is your great day, my friend

Today is a great day for you, dear friend! Receive a kiss and a hug with all my love on your birthday. Enjoy it!

My special friend

Congratulations and happy birthday, friend! That this is a very happy day, And that happiness and love Never leave your way. You are very special to me, And your friendship is very important. I like you a lot, just as you are. And I love you are always close to me. But wherever you are You will never leave my heart. I adore you, my special friend!

One more year of life, friend

The prettiest friend in the world celebrates another year of existence. Congratulations dear! I want your day to be immensely happy and with a lot of fun, party and emotion. Have a wonderful birthday, just like our friendship! Today is the right day to go after all your dreams. Give us your best smile and prepare to be the center of attention. Take advantage of your day with great style, friend! I adore you.

I love you, friend

My pretty and special friend, today is a holiday, because you turn one more year. Happy birthday, my good! I wish you a whole universe of happiness and many, many years of life. That during all of them, I continue by your side, sharing with you this wonderful friendship, which we have built. Ilove you friend! Be happy, today and always!

Congratulations friend

Today is the day of celebrating your life, which I love doing. Happy Birthday Sweetheart! You are my best friend, who is always by my side and I love you a lot. It is a privilege to be able to have you in my life and what I ask is that it be so forever. Congratulations friend! That health, love and success accompany you every day of your life.

Childhood friend, friend forever

Dear friend, so many years passed, but I still remember our beautiful days of childhood. I remember all the adventures lived, of innocence and the wonderful fascination that the world around us caused us. Happy Birthday dear friend! You know that even if we live from each other, I will never forget you. Childhood friendship is forever, because the tenderness and innocence of those years create eternal ties. I feel for you a special affection, where a healthy nostalgia is mixed. Congratulations! I hope you spend a very happy day, that celebrations with great style and that, today and always be happy. That your life is always full of love, peace, success and health. I hope a day to see you again and kill nostalgia, and so, together remember our pleasant past.

Friend, listen to your heart

On your birthday, dear friend, however beautiful the words that can tell you all the people who love you, always listen first to your heart. Many times silence says more than any word. Follow your heart and you will never feel lost. Words can be very deep, but what you feel will always be perfect for you. What you are looking for always tries to find it first in yourself, so you can share instead of looking for something you do not have inside you. You are already an adult woman, but you always keep that tenderness as a child, shine with your own friend of mine. Enjoy this great day, with happiness, peace and harmony, with all your loved ones, listen to your heart! Always follow your indications and you will not suffer any disappointment. Congratulations!

A very old friend

There are people who when they enter our lives, they arrive without date to leave, and that well. You is one of those people, and I don’t remember the day you arrived to stay in my life, because it has been so long. Happy Birthday friend! You are one of my oldest friends, and in reality it seems that I know you from other lives. It is very good to be able to count on someone in life like you, and I only have to thank you for your valuable friendship. Celebrate your day with great style, my friend, and every day celebrates the wonderful person you are. I love you, dear, and I wish you all the happiness of the world. Congratulations friend!

Congratulations for a friendship in distance

The distance that separates us is the biggest challenge that one day we had to overcome. And especially today I feel unlimited nostalgia. But I am by your side with thought. Happy Birthday friend! Remember that when friendship there are all obstacles can be overcome. And this will not be an exception! A wonderful day spends, as you are for me, dear! I adore you.

Friend, congratulations for another year of life

Friend, congratulations for another year of life! It enjoys your birthday and every day enjoys life to the fullest, because you are very happy to always be happy. I adore you!

A few words of congratulations, friend

Congratulations friend! Today is your great day. Therefore, I ask you not to miss reasons to feel happy, in peace and surrounded by the people you love. Celebrate this date with great joy in the heart. Happy Birthday dear! You are a beautiful friend inside and out, an incredible human being and, therefore, you deserve all the best on this day. Remember that I will be by your side today, tomorrow and always. Ilove you friend!

God grant you a great day, friend

Happy Birthday dear friend! May God grant you a great day and many blessings in life.

Congratulations, my distant friend

Dear friend, today is your birthday and it is very hard to know that you are so far, because I would like to be able to celebrate another year of your life by your side. Congratulations! May your day be beautiful and cheerful from the beginning to the end. I feel a lot of nostalgia for you and count the seconds for our reunion. But it is very good to know that you are fine, and also that despite all this distance, our friendship remains very strong. I know it will be so forever, because I love you very much and you are far or near, I need you to keep present in my life. I want all happiness for you, today and always, much success and love.

For a childhood friend

Friend, today is your birthday and after so many years, it is one more to celebrate together. Congratulations! From our childhood until today you have changed a lot, the world has changed, we change, but something remains firm: our friendship. It is a pride to maintain a friendship of so many years and I know that it is only possible because you are that extraordinary person. I love you, my friend, and I want you to always be very happy and that we get to old age together!

You deserve the best, friend

Happy birthday my friend! May this be a day Full of love and joy. That you receive a lot of love And all your wishes They come true. God bless you With a lot of years of life With health and happiness. I love you very much And you will always have my friendship, My support and all my admiration. You are a big woman And you deserve the best: Be happy every day of your life.

Companion, friend and accomplice loyal

Since I have the privilege of your company, work is another pleasure. Happy Birthday friend! You are very special, an exemplary professional, a very accomplice and loyal friend. I want you to have a brilliant day of light and joy, good surprises and splendid smiles. Congratulations today and always, and that in your life love love, friendship, health, peace and success abound!

Have a very happy birthday, friend

Happy Birthday dear! Another year has passed full of adventures and stories to tell. You are my great friend, complicit and confidant. And that’s why I hope this day is very special for you. On this important date in your life, surround yourself with your friends and family so that together we celebrate it. Do not miss love, peace and health. Do not miss joy or happiness. You deserve all that and much more. Congratulations friend!

A special birthday for a special friend

Happy Birthday, friend! That today is as special as our friendship. May you always have a shoulder to support you, a smile on your face and a reason to move on. I always appreciate that you are that incredible friend who illuminates my days. Have a wonderful birthday, full of hugs, affection and joy. Congratulations friend!

One more birthday of my dear friend

Dear, pretty and extraordinary friend of my heart, spent another year and today we celebrate another birthday. This fills me with joy and I hope your heart is cheerful, and ready to receive all the love we love you have to offer you today. Because someone as special and unique as you deserves all the best that exists in that life. You deserve that heaven open and spill over your life the best blessings. You are beautiful, inside and out, I adore you and also that you are my dear friend. Happy Birthday! May your day be happy and unforgettable, and your path for life is always illuminated by peace and love.

A happy birthday for an incredible friend

Today is your day, friend! And I hope you take advantage of it in the best possible way. You deserve an incredible birthday and even better days. Today is your birthday, but with a friend like you who takes the gift I am me. Having your friendship is very important to me, and being such a wonderful and special person I want to wish you many congratulations, joys and smiles on this day.

My best friend’s Birthday

Today the day woke up with a different light, perhaps because it is your birthday. Congratulations friend! I want love and joy to be on your side in all moments today. You are a very special person and I consider that I am blessed for having your friendship, with your love. Have a birthday as wonderful as you, my friend! And never change – continue the same as yourself: beautiful and bright inside and out. I like you a lot, dear!

Happy Birthday dear friend

Today is a very special day, one of the best of the year, because it is your birthday. Congratulations friend! May God bless you with another happy year of life, and that every day you receive as a gift much happiness and love. I wish you only the best, and that all your dreams come true. Having you as a friend is a great joy, and I feel a lot of gratitude for having crossed with you in life. Happy Birthday dear friend!

Final Thoughts

Your friends mean a lot to you, so make sure their birthday is as special as they are. Whether you’re looking for something funny or heartfelt, we have the perfect birthday wish for your friend. And if you want to give them an extra-special present, why not treat them to one of our experience days? With everything from hot air ballooning to afternoon tea on offer, there’s sure to be something that will make their day unforgettable. So what are you waiting for? Get browsing and start celebrating!

Gift Guru

Craig Sandeman, the Gift Giving Guru, is a passionate writer and dedicated website curator. When he’s not crafting engaging content or maintaining his online platform, you can find him exploring the Mediterranean seas, indulging in his love for island hoping. With his expertise in gift-giving and his adventurous spirit, Craig is always seeking new ways to inspire and delight others with thoughtful presents and memorable experiences.

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